It has been scientifically proven that everything is energy and has a vibration. Therefore, thoughts and emotions are vibrations. They can operate at a lower “denser” frequency or what we term negative thinking. Higher frequency thoughts are lighter and more positive. Our thoughts can affect our physical health. Other people’s opinions can impact how we feel about ourselves. And so on. So how can we navigate this tangled grid of inputs and outcomes? Maintaining a higher vibrational state of being is the eternal challenge.

GRANDMASTER SUN has discovered a way to keep a person’s distinctive biorhythm continuously aligned with the Cosmic Frequency. The Cosmic Frequency is the sacred vibration of harmony, health, and beauty. This is the natural state of creation which becomes veiled when we incarnate into this world. It is further obscured by belief systems which are instilled in us from birth and experiences that shape our interpretation of ourselves and the world around us.

The ancient wisdom practiced by the Chinese, Mayans, Ancient Egyptians, Native Americans and taught by the Ascended Masters of all cultures has also been lost or subjugated for centuries. GRANDMASTER SUN, the world’s only Master Metaphysician and Divine Alchemist, has excavated this hidden knowledge and is now providing a way to reconnect with its power.

People spend thousands of dollars on beautiful talismans made of pure gold with diamonds and rubies believing they will bring prosperity. These trinkets have been found to be useless. Almost all talismans, including Pi Au talismans, contain no actual power. Even those that claim to have been blessed by monks, Fengshui Masters, and Shamans cannot resonate with the wearer because they are energetically empty.

Light carries intelligence. Applying this principle, GRANDMASTER SUN telecosmically suffuses natural and manmade objects with the energy of the Sun, the Moon and the 12 Principles of Light taught in the Hermetic tradition. By performing this mystical ceremonial ritual, he transforms the Pi Au talisman on the bracelet into a conduit of celestial power which connects the wearer to the Universal Mind. Like a magnet, this fusion establishes a flow of pure positivity that intuitively attracts success, abundance, love, health and more.

GRANDMASTER SUN only needs the month of birth to specifically align the energy to the individual producing a powerful vibration that meets you where you are. The Pi Au, combined with specific Chinese mantra prayers and the 5-element theory, works in concert with the All-Seeing Eye to properly awaken the energy and ensure a magical experience. GMS Talismans, including the Pi Au, magnify and transmit the correct frequency initiating a healing energy exchange.

This advanced technology integrates the head and heart, thoughts and emotions and can even alter and repair DNA. Individuals who have awakened and connected with a GRANDMASTER SUN Talisman integrate the divine creative power of the Universe and open to the infinite possibilities of the 8th Dimension. They do not need to chase money, success, or love. It flows naturally to them like a river to the sea. For them, their dreams are reality.