The GRANDMASTER SUN Winning Lottery Bracelet has many elements that work collaboratively under the protection and energetic signature of the All-Seeing Eye (see Eye of Ra and Thoth below). The symbology on the beads, the beads themselves, the design of the bracelet and the infusion of the Pi Au Talisman all work together to offer a portal into another dimension to the wearer. This experience is available to everyone because of GRANDMASTER SUN. Not everyone will benefit in the same way. Your transformation will be unique and personal and depends on the willingness of the individual to open themselves to seeing the world very differently. You do not need to study metaphysics or undergo hypnotism or cleanse your aura, etc. GMS has completed the metaphysical preparations while creating his Talismans. All the owner needs to do is connect with the energy incorporated into the bracelet and allow it to do its work naturally.

The images on the beads are each powerful in their own right. The combination is unlike anything ever created before. Below is a brief explanation of the chosen symbols, materials used, and other significant details. Whatever resonates with you will serve to enhance your experience


The centerpiece of the GRANDMASTER SUN Winning Lottery Bracelet is the golden Pi Au, a powerful ancient Chinese creature with the body of a winged lion and the head of a dragon. The Pi Au is the ninth son of the Dragon King and an auspicious symbol of wealth and protection. Legend holds that the Pi Au angered the Jade Emperor and as his punishment he closed the anus of the Pi Au. As a result, the Pi Au, who eats gold, silver and precious metals and gemstones, can consume wealth but never expels it. This auspicious symbol of wealth and accumulation is able to draw in abundance from all directions and is ferociously devoted to the one who awakens it. GRANDMASTER SUN infuses this Talisman on each bracelet with light and sound from the Universe so when you awaken and connect with your Pi Au Talisman, it will directly affect you at a soul level, bringing into reality your thoughts and dreams.


A powerful symbol of good luck and creative action, the Eye of Ra is also known as the All-Seeing Eye. The Eye of Ra is capable of repelling all negative energy and restoring harmony. Closely related to the Ankh, the Eye of Ra is both protective and brings new life. The omnipotent nature of this symbol is why it is chosen to adorn the box and the carry bag for the GRANDMASTER SUN Winning Lottery Bracelet. More importantly it is emblazoned on the back of the Pi Au in green or red, colors of wealth and passion. The All-Seeing Eye watches over and integrates all of the energies of the separate elements of the bracelet and the Talisman ensuring positive results and BIG SUCCESS.


Gold represents the Sun and Silver represents the Moon. These metals reflect the light of those two celestial bodies accordingly. This particular symbol also represents platinum, the combination of gold and silver in Alchemy.

The Sun indicates enlightenment, divine wisdom, and spiritual growth and is seen as a gateway to the spiritual. It is life-giving energy and is symbolic of the supreme cosmic energy that nourishes everything. The sun produces positivity, clarity, energy, confidence, influence, and other positive characterizations. It can also be interpreted as Self and, in western astrology, is how the world views us. The Sun is connected to the Egyptian god Ra.

The Moon indicates feminine energy, fertility and progress and is seen as a hidden but powerful force that can be unlocked by contemplation and meditation. It is associated with the goddess Isis in Egyptian mythology as well as Luna, Artemis, and Selene in other cultural lore. In tarot the Moon card can refer to our shadow selves or things we fear. It is seen in cycles and these cycles affect us because the Moon is the closest celestial orb to the earth. The Moon can also be said to represent our emotional persona and in western astrology your Moon sign is interpreted as your inner self which can be useful in understanding how and why we react to external inputs.

Since the Moon forms a pair with the Sun, it symbolizes balance. The Moon and the Sun exist together and represent the dichotomy between dark and light, male and female, conscious and unconscious, ignorance and knowledge, naivety, and wisdom and, of course, yin and yang. For this reason, it is included on the beads of the GRANDMASTER SUN Winning Lottery Bracelet giving us the power to master our emotions and experience true balance and serenity which is a necessary key to manifesting.


Jupiter in Roman mythology is the king of the gods, also known as Zeus in Greek mythology. Jupiter is the 5th planet from the Sun and the largest planet in our solar system. The energy of Jupiter is the embodiment of luck and opportunity, and likewise, represents abundance, generosity, and the Higher Self. In western astrology Jupiter is the natural ruler of Sagittarius and the 9th house focusing on expansion, travel, exploration, and wisdom. Formerly the ruling planet of Aquarius, Jupiter plays an influential role in the current shift into the collective energy of the Age of Aquarius and the idea of allowing and manifesting rather than hard work and limiting beliefs. This powerful symbol incorporates luck, self-actualization, and expansion into the beads on the GRANDMASTER SUN Winning Lottery Bracelet.


The Egyptian god of writing, knowledge, magic and the Moon, Thoth is one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. He is the son of two deities that represent Chaos and Order and therefore Thoth is also the god of equilibrium or balance. He is often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis, a crane-like bird, which is a powerful symbol of abundance in Chinese culture. His Greek persona is that of Hermes, messenger of the gods and Thoth is therefore credited with the creation of law, magic, writing, philosophy, science, and religion. He is powerfully aligned with Ra and the concepts of divine order and justice. The Emerald Tablet of Thoth is believed to contain the secrets of the world. The crane and the Eye of Ra are both used on the GRANDMASTER SUN Winning Lottery Bracelet intended to give the wearer access to all the ancient mysteries of divine geometry and magic.


The Master of Secrets and the god of Resurrection, Anubis is found in the underworld or afterlife working in conjunction with Thoth to keep the Akashic Records. Sometimes regarded as the son of Ra, by other accounts the son of Osiris and Isis, this influential god is best engaged when a person desires to find the truth of a situation or uncover mysteries keeping them from success. Additionally, the Akashic Records identify the Karma from past lives that requires balancing and the GRANDMASTER SUN Winning Lottery Bracelet allows for this karma to be cleared with positive effect opening the way for receiving abundance.


This greatly misunderstood symbol is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph, also known as the Key of Life, and is one of the most powerful symbols in the world. A combination of air and water, earth and sun, or male and female, the Ankh embodies creation and procreation – life itself. These Old Kingdom amulets were known to transmute a person’s aura into a positive vibration. Isis, the wife of Osiris god of the Underworld, is associated with the Ankh. The mystical properties of fertility, magic, healing, and eternal life are incorporated in the GRANDMASTER SUN Winning Lottery Bracelet through the Ankh.


Several beads are embossed with special Chinese mantra prayers that resonate with the Pi Au and magnify the positive polarity and align the energy infused in the Talisman. These beads increase the effectiveness of the GRANDMASTER SUN Winning Lottery Bracelet.


The multi-colored beads represent the 5 elements taught in Feng Shui and are arranged in the productive cycle to maximize the expansive power of these elemental connections.
Green = Wood
Red = Fire
Yellow = Earth
Clear = Metal
Black = Water
Having each bead in the proper order ensures balance and productivity. These elements enhance the effectiveness of your connection with the Pi Au on your bracelet.


Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass that has the power to cleanse dark energy. When worn touching the skin it can reduce stress, flush out toxins, restore a sense of calm and bring clarity to the wearer. Beads are spherical and represent a complete cycle of life. The obsidian beads on the GRANDMASTER SUN Winning Lottery Bracelet, embossed with powerful symbology, work with the 8th Chakra, the Star Chakra, bringing us into spiritual oneness and granting us access to the creative forces of the Universe.


Nikola Tesla believed that 369 is the Key to the Universe and the gateway to the 4th dimension. The mathematical properties of the numbers 3, 6 and 9 are mirrored in nature, religion, science and the human experience. With 3 representing the positive energy of the universe and 6 representing the negative energy, combined they make 9, the divine spiritual energy that controls the balance between 3 and 6. Like Tesla, GRANDMASTER SUN understands that the triad of frequency, vibration and energy is the basis for the existence of all things and our ability to manifest or create our reality.

INSTRUCTIONS: Reading the instructions on how to awaken, connect with, and care for your Pi Au is of utmost importance. Anyone abusing the power of the Pi Au will experience negative results with dire consequences. This power is to be handled with care and consideration. It is imperative that if you decide to disconnect from the Pi Au you dispose of the bracelet properly to ensure a positive separation with no residual consequences. Additionally, there is a Guided Meditation on the back of the instruction page to enhance manifesting your desires.